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Video file - Metrology videos (calibrations)

CETIAT 2021 calibrations - CETIAT 2021 calibrations

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CETIAT training 2021 - CETIAT training 2021

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CETIAT success story MEDD (nano flow) - CETIAT success story MEDD (nano flow)

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CETIAT sucess story (nano debit) - CETIAT sucess story (nano debit)

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Depuis 1960, le CETIAT est un organisme de référence pour les études, essais, étalonnages. C'est un acteur incontournable de la métrologie en France et en Europe. Son expertise est reconnue en métrologie pour plusieurs grandeurs: hygrométrie, nano, micro et macro débitmétrie liquide, niveaumétrie, débitmétrie gaz, anémométrie, thermométrie, manométrie et électricité. Le CETIAT détient 3 références nationales: hygrométrie, nano, micro et débitmétrie liquide, anémométrie. Au-delà des étalonnages dans nos laboratoires et sur les sites des clients, le CETIAT met son expertise au service des clients via des études, audits et formations. En 2021, le CETIAT a développé et validé une nouvelle méthode d'étalonnage dans des conditions dynamiques (fluctuations de débits) représentative des conditions réelles que subissent les débitmètres et compteurs d'eau. C'est une première mondiale.

Activité / Expertise

Flowmetry, Liquid measurements, Meteorological measurements, Pressure and temperature measurements, Air quality measurements, Level measurements, Development of measurement solutions, Control, Verification, Calibration, Tests, Air velocity and humidity measurements


To help manufacturers and providers of metrology meet the economic and technical challenges, CETIAT developps a complete range of solutions to meet all their measurement needs:
- services on your industrial sites or in the laboratory,
- calibrations, characterizations, verifications, adjustments
- diagnostics, studies, audits,
- inter (on catalog) and intra (tailor-made) trainings ...

Our goal: to provide you with optimal metrology services for efficient and effective measurements.
The more precise the measurement is, the greater the benefit of metrology is. CETIAT invests regularly to guarantee you optimal performance:
- Lowest uncertainties including 3 national references with the best uncertainties in France
- Extension of COFRAC laboratory accreditations, including several flexible scopes to implement methods as close as possible to your needs
- Continuous innovation, in particular with a liquid nano and micro-flowmetry laboratory, pioneer in Europe
- 1st COFRAC accredited laboratory in infiltrometry to calibrate the blower door fans ...

Informations complémentaires

CETIAT is ISO 9001: 2015 certified for all of its activities and it is accredited by COFRAC (see for details of the scopes) for most of its testing activities and calibrations. CETIAT is also referenced in DataDock for continuing professional training.

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