Express Measurement Network
The Poles and Clusters work on a daily basis and all the more so in this period of health crisis, to support our territories, our companies and our educational and research establishments in the setting up of events or meetings conducive to exchanges and the development of innovative projects.
Always keen to support our public and private partners, we offer you an afternoon of discussions dedicated to the digitization of the water networks of the Parisian Metropolis. Our objective will be to respond to the main challenges:
• asset management of infrastructures,
• implementation of management plans,
• precise digital knowledge of the location of the structures.
This workshop will be dematerialized and will take place by videoconference. The link will be communicated to registrants (all the visios of the event will be recorded for the drafting of the CRs.)
Communities and managers of sanitation and drinking water networks want to improve knowledge, management of their infrastructure and the safety of the sanitation and drinking water networks they are responsible for.
Since 2012, they have also been affected by the anti-damage reform with the obligation to register their networks on the one-stop-shop and to define the areas where its structures are located (ZIO). The digitization and systematic georeferencing of networks are becoming a necessary step for the filing of ZIOs on the Single Window.
Its new needs and regulations will require the implementation of innovations and digital tools for digitization and digital management, also including data modeling, technical calculations and their integration into the BIM and GIS of communities.
The implementation of these innovations and technical solutions will also have to resolve issues specific to this digitization of networks:
• Interoperability of data on the various tools and databases, accounting with existing GIS and databases
• Digital interconnection of networks (interface between 2 different network managers, pb of connections to be digitized)
• DICP geolocation details and Precision Classes: objective of Class A heritage data collection by 2026
• Establishment of a master plan for the rehabilitation of networks (physical condition)
The ambition of this workshop will be to bring together the Departments and Territories expressing their feedback and their needs allowing companies and researchers to present their solutions and their expertise. More generally, these exchanges between public and private actors will allow us to bring out and fully understand the problems and expectations but also the coherence of the various solutions and innovations.
Continuity of the events already organized at the EMS Cluster with the partners Réseau Mesure and Cap Digital in the digital domain for the management of urban water:
Workshop with July 8, 2019 with AESN and DRIEE: management tools for making connections compliant; software sourcing for monitoring compliance diagnostics management |
Interpole and Cluster workshop on January 22, 2020: Metrology in urban water management
EMS cluster: milena.gimenez@clusterems.org 07 79 31 80 40
Cap Digital: johanna.castel@capdigital.com 06 19 16 56 86
Network Measure: duflot.estelle@reseau-mesure.com 06 51 05 08 80
This workshop is organized in partnership with

The first phase of the workshop will revolve around exchanges between experts, companies, unions and communities located in the 4 departments of the Parisian Metropolis on needs, feedback and problems encountered
The second phase of discussions will be held in small online round tables on more specific needs and on the solutions proposed by companies and research centers.
1:30 p.m. | Welcome and test your connections
2:00 p.m. | Introduction by networks of players in the measurement, digital and environmental sectors: Cap Digital, Réseau Mesure and Cluster Eau Milieux Sols
2:15 p.m. | Subject introduced by the DRIEE: regulatory and economic development issues
2:30 p.m. | Presentation of the needs of the territories and departments of the metropolis of Greater Paris
- Mobilization of all the territories of the metropolis on different scales
- All territories can present the characteristics of their networks, current projects, feedback and / or need on the subject allowing all companies to understand the expected need in the upstream phase.
5:00 p.m. | Online rooms opening
(1 room per territory
- several participants in a room)
6:00 p.m. | Closure of online rooms and conclusion
- Group presentation and its functioning
- Virtual tour of CRITTM2A:
- Laboratory and equipment presentation
by Cédric ZSLAPKA (metrology & quality expert)
- Laboratory and equipment presentation
- Evolution 2021 for CQM +: innovation at the service of performance?
- Techniques
- Commercial
- Potential collaborative synergies with members of the Measurement Network
Because measurement is an essential component of economic performance, CQM + wishes to bring together the best of knowledge.
Measurement becomes an asset.
As part of the Measurements Network meetings, we offer you a virtual tour of CQM + and an exchange meeting
in order to develop potential areas of collaboration between the members of the association and CQM +

End of year offer 2020
Membership offer
➔ 1/2 page width
1000 € HT (instead of 3550 € HT)
Click on the image to see the last issue of Measures n ° 928
For more information, please contact:
Nathalie Heurlin n.heurlin@mesures.com 02 98 27 79 99 06 87
Meeting around FoodTech
Tuesday December 1, 2020
8:15 am to 10:00 am:
- Vitagora, FOODTECH and its challenges Marthe JEWELL, Communication manager
- EBI / MERIEUX : Establish a partnership with local schools, a solution to train and recruit for jobs in short supply
- CY ERRMECE - How does science add value to food?
10:00 am to 10:30 am : Networking