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The Measurement Network has set up a partnership with TNT-FEDEX for parcel shipments.

The Measurement Network offers its members the opportunity to pool resources and optimize non-production purchases in order to obtain the best service and reduce costs.

This offer is also open to CIFL and Acsiel members. TNT-FEDEX's offer was selected by the Measurement Network working group and allows all member companies to benefit from preferential rates for national and international parcel shipments and on pallets.

You can consult the prices on request at Network Measurement .

If you wish to benefit from this tariff offer, simply complete the protocol and send it to Network Measure. The contracts (or amendments if you are already a TNT customer) will then be sent to you for signature so that you can be attached to the TNT-FEDEX/Measurement Network framework contract.

No minimum or maximum shipment limit is required, the contract is not exclusive and does not trigger invoicing if no shipment is made for TNT-FEDEX.

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