Development is often linked to the quality of resources and the ability to adapt to a constantly changing environment.
The realization of the training sessions is conditioned by a minimum number of participants according to the topic.
It takes between 1 and 3 months to open a new session at the request of a person.
The Measurement Network is committed to adapting training, when possible, to trainees with disabilities. A personalized response will be formulated taking into account the nature of the handicap and logistical compatibility. Contact the Training and Disability Referent
You can consult our Training terms and conditions and the Internal training regulations.
The Measurement Network, an approved training center, QUALIOPI certified, offers members the opportunity to benefit from training at preferential rates, created by thematic working groups.
Training Center number 11950510195.
Le planning pour la fin d'année 2024...
Les formations en détails...
Formations pour lesquelles une remise de 10% sera offerte aux visiteurs de Mesures Solutions EXPO2024 (offre pour une session par personne à réaliser sur 2024-2025).
Managing a team *
Une formation interactive sur 2 jours + passage du test DISC 4 Colors
-Identify his style of authority and reflect on his leadership practices within the framework of his hierarchical power
- Knowing how to build your identity as a facilitator and become aware of your strengths and areas for improvement.
-Mieux Se connaitre pour mieux manager les autres : test DISC 4 Colors
- Know the mechanisms of motivation and involvement
-Be able to apply motivating and involving behaviors: comment positively on a result and/or a behavior.
Manage a project *
An interactive training over 2 days + individual 1h30 debriefing
- Master the 5 main phases of project management
-Know how to analyze whether the project is relevant and feasible
-How to evaluate your budget?
-Understand the fundamental interest of the preliminary project: the initiation
- Piloting tools
Facilitate a meeting *
A 2-day interactive training
- Know the different types of meeting possible: objectives, timing, participation
- Preparation: 90% for success
- The process: welcome, introduction, progress, animation
- Summary and action plan
- Make your speeches impactful
Gestion du temps et pilotage par plan d'actions *
Une formation interactive sur 1 journée
- Connaitre et Mettre en place les meilleures techniques de priorisation, de gestion du temps pour gagner en sérénité et efficacité.
En visio
LinkedIn - Optimiser son profil et Bien publier *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une interactive and personalized training.
LinkedIn - Organiser sa veille et bien publier *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une formation interactive to discover good practices for publishing well and the different ways of organizing your monitoring on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn - La prospection *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une interactive and personalized training for give you the methods of prospecting on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn - Le recrutement *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une interactive and personalized training for give you the methods of recruiting on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn - perfectionnement sur " LA PUBLICITE PAYANTE " *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une formation interactive pour give you advertising formats on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn - perfectionnement sur " SALES NAVIGATOR " *
Un module de 3h30 en distanciel, une interactive and personalized training to optimize the use of the SALES NAVIGATORS tool on LinkedIn.
En visio
Comprendre la norme ISO 17025 *
Cette formation a pour objectifs de connaître les enjeux et comprendre les exigences de la norme ISO 17025. Savoir diagnostiquer les besoins dans sa métrologie/laboratoire.
Vous réalisez des mesures et/ou des essais ? Ces mesures sont un élément essentiel pour garantir la conformité et la qualité de vos produits. Par conséquent il est fondamental de maîtriser vos processus de mesure afin de satisfaire vos clients et donner confiance !
La conformité de vos laboratoires à la norme ISO 17025 vous permettra d’assurer cet objectif et de garantir la validité de vos résultats de mesure. Vous pourrez prendre les bonnes décisions à partir de vos résultats de mesure et essais !
En visio
Artificial intelligence *
La formation sur l'Intelligence Artificielle a pour objectifs de permettre aux acteurs de la mesure de bénéficier d'un premier niveau de connaissance nécessaire pour aborder le potentiel des algorithmes sur le traitement des mesures que vous collectez.
Two modules are offered:
Unit 1 - First level of knowledge on artificial intelligence:
- The history of AI and Data Science.
- AI and Data Science: differences and synergies.
- Les concepts de base de l’IA et pourquoi cela explose maintenant.
- Les applications possibles dans le monde de la mesure (illustration par des exemples).
- Les avantages/inconvénients/limites de l’utilisation des algorithmes.
- Les acteurs et rapide tour d’horizon des algorithmes.
Unit 2 - Advanced training - to enable measurement stakeholders to acquire knowledge of the tools available and the expected results in order to be able to use them.
Training for tutors and internship supervisors
A 2-day interactive training
- The mission of the trainer: link between the needs of the company and the expectations of the employees.
- Objectives, strategy and evaluation of a training
- Different types of pedagogy
- The learning pyramid
- Different educational tools according to the objectives
- Construction of supports
- Effective communication
Road safety training
As part of the work of the “The Road and the Company” group, the Réseau Mesure and the CIFL offer their members road safety training at discounted rates.
"The only certifying training, based on the acquisition of professional driving skills"
2 places are reserved for each training for members of the Measurement Network,
So why not enjoy it?
Training offered by Cifl
Cifl has selected training courses adapted to your professions, at rates negotiated especially for their members. As part of our partnership with the Cifl, we offer our members the possibility of accessing the training courses it offers under the same conditions.
- Provide and sell the service in the laboratory
Conferring the ability to provide outstanding service and sell additional services.
- Digital and Social Selling
Animate your community of customers, use social networks
- Successful telesales
- Animation of a network of resellers or distributors
Transfer all techniques to sales allowing to sell and make-sell to resellers or distributors
- Management and coaching of sales teams
Transmit the methods to managers allowing a salesperson to progress in a sales situation
- Sell and negotiate in the laboratory (improvement module)
Provide the ability to lead the different stages of a sales interview
- Defend its prices
"Tailor-made" training
Find the specific training of our members specializing in measurement.
Qualiopi certification
You provide training for your customers, from January 1, 2022 they must be Qualiopi certified to be covered by the OPCOs.
You are initiating the certification process or you are not yet ready for it, the Measurement Network invites you to tackle these points together.
Workshop organized with members
How to better control hybrid sales to boost your commercial development?
This day was organized at the LNE for members of the Measurement Network
Morning hosted by Bernard Rojon + -
- Developments in sales
- Definition of hybrid selling
- The advantages of the hybrid
- The Assa Abloy case
- The different communication and sales channels
- How to measure activity to optimize productivity
- How to make a successful remote visit?
- New steering indicators
- What future?
Afternoon hosted by Cédric Jornod +
How to integrate metrology into the valuation of your solution?
- The origins of metrology
- The concepts of calibration, verification, adjustment
- The concepts of errors, accuracy, correction
- The concept of uncertainty
- Metrological monitoring
- Metrological traceability
A working group dedicated to training is active, it is articulated around three axes:
The Measurement Network as a training organization
- Choice of training topics
- Recruitment of trainers
The relationship with post-Bac schools
- Partnerships
- Action plan
How to find tools to guide young people before the baccalaureate?
- Introduce the world of measurement
- Develop the interest of young people
Meetings are held both face-to-face and video. To regain HERE the minutes of previous meetings.
You want to join this new group and haven't registered yet?
Thank you for contacting Estelle Duflot